How to verify and approve hours

Learn how to verify and approve your hours to be submitted to payroll.

In this article:

  • How to approve hours worked
  • How to auto-sign payroll forms


How to approve hours worked: 

How to verify hours

  1. Click HOURS/TIME CLOCK SUMMARY in the left-side menu. 
  2. Select the START DATE and END DATE for the hours you need to verify, and click SEARCH
  3. Check the I CLOCK OUT FOR BREAKS function on the top-menu if you do clock out for your breaks. 
  4. Check the COMBINE PUNCHES function on the top menu if you want to combine your multiple time clock entries for a single day into one.  
  5. Choose which ROUNDING OPTION you need. If you aren't sure how your organization rounds, please reach out to your manager.
  6. If all entries are correct, click the green VERIFY ALL button in the top-right corner. 
    1. You may also check time clock entries individually for accuracy and select the VERIFY TIME checkbox. 
  7. Click the SUBMIT button to submit verified entries. 
  8. In the pop-up box, check the box to certify that all hours on your timesheet are accurate. 
  9. Click SUBMIT in the pop-up box. 


  • If the hours listed are incorrect, please reach out to your manager for correction.


How to auto-sign payroll forms: 

  1. Click ACCOUNT SETTINGS in the left-side menu. 
  2. In the pop-up box, select the checkbox next to AUTO-SIGN PAYROLL
  3. Click SAVE


  • By turning this feature on, all payroll forms submitted to your manager will automatically be signed with your name. 
  • This feature only applies to time-clock data, or times in which you clocked in or out. Scheduled shifts will not appear on this view.