1. Support Center
  2. Single Sign-On (SSO)

How to create a single sign-on (SSO) configuration

SubItUp makes it easy to manage the authentication of users. We offer multiple secure authentication types, including: Shibboleth, CAS and LDAP.


To create Single Sign-On LDAP configuration:
  1. In the left-side toolbar, select APPS.
  2. In the apps menu, select SINGLE SIGN-ON.
  3. Click the CONFIGURATION button in the top-left corner.
  4. Click the green ADD SSO CONFIGURATION in the top-right corner.
  5. In the pop-up, select LDAP as your authentication type.
  6. Enter your organization’s LOGIN URLLOGOUT URL, and ATTRIBUTE.
  7. Click SAVE.
  8. Please allow 1-2 business days for configuration on the SubItUp side. Once this configuration is complete, a member of the support team will reach out to you.


To create Single Sign-On CAS configuration:

  1. In the left-side toolbar, select APPS.
  2. In the apps menu, select SINGLE SIGN-ON.
  3. Click the CONFIGURATION button in the top-left corner.
  4. Click the ADD SSO CONFIGURATION button in the top-right corner.
  5. In the pop-up, select CAS as your authentication type.
  6. Enter your organization’s LOGIN URLLOGOUT URL, and ATTRIBUTE.
  7. Click SAVE.


To create Single Sign-On Shibboleth configuration with metadata URL:

  1. In the left-side toolbar, select APPS.
  2. In the apps menu, select SINGLE SIGN-ON.
  3. Click the CONFIGURATION button in the top-left corner.
  4. Click the ADD SSO CONFIGURATION button in the top-right corner.
  5. In the pop-up, select SHIBBOLETH as your authentication type.
  6. Enter your organization’s LOGIN URLLOGOUT URL, and ATTRIBUTE.


    The attribute for validating a user must be an email address

    that follows the below example claim.

    Example Claim 


  7. Click the METADATA URL button.
  8. Enter your METADATA URL.
  9. Click SAVE.
  10. Please allow 1-2 business days for configuration on the SubItUp side. Once this configuration is complete, a member of the support team will reach out to you.


To create Single Sign-On Shibboleth configuration with metadata file:

  1. In the left-side toolbar, select APPS.
  2. In the apps menu, select SINGLE SIGN-ON then select CONFIGURATION.
  3. Click the ADD SSO CONFIGURATION button.
  4. In the pop-up, select SHIBBOLETH as your authentication type.
  5. Enter your organization’s LOGIN URLLOGOUT URL, and ATTRIBUTE.


    NOTE: The attribute for validating a user must be an email address

    that follows the below example claim.

    Example Claim 


  6. Click the METADATA FILE button, then click CHOOSE FILE.
  7. Select your METADATA FILE, then click OPEN.
  8. Click UPLOAD.
  9. Click SAVE.
  10. Please allow 1-2 business days for configuration on the SubItUp side. Once this configuration is complete, a member of the support team will reach out to you.